Archive for July 12th, 2011

July 12, 2011


I hate it. I hate people with closed minds who assume that their initial gut feeling about something is the one and only truth. I hate people who refuse to dig a little deeper to get at what is really going on, but take everything at face value.

I hate when people see me doing something and don’t like it. They think what I’m doing is stupid, pointless or wrong. They tell me as much. They refuse to listen to what I have to say about why I am doing it. But I know I’m doing the right thing. I know why I did what I did. I know that I helped others by doing it. Just because you refuse to stop and listen and think and open your mind, doesn’t mean that the things I do are wrong.

I hate that the negative comments these closed minded people make cause me to doubt myself. I hate that they make me feel inferior, just by the vigor with which they berate me and insist they are right. In truth it is they who are inferior to me, for they refuse to open their eyes. They see what they want to see.

I hate that hardly anyone recognizes the good in what I do. I wish I didn’t needs so much positive reinforcement. I wish I was more sure of myself.

Then I stop to think. Am I the one who is truly being stupid and closed minded?Afterall, I too am insisting that what I am doing is right. Maybe I’m not right. But I can’t do things the way the others do. I can’t just turn off my “caring button.” I care about others and I want to help them, even if it means doing more or extra work, even if it takes a little more time.

More and more I see very loud and opinionated people spouting things that I consider stupid. They insist that they know the truth, and the sheep-like masses listen. I wonder about my own intelligence in comparison.

I like to think I’m smarter than the average, but am I really? Maybe I’m just like the rest, spouting loud and opinionated garbage.
